Teen Treks

Health and Safety

Living through COVID-19 has taught us just how important fresh air, exercise and laughter is in order to maintain a happy and healthy life. This is true for all of us, but especially for teenagers who are creating lasting habits out of the experiences they have today. The great thing about bike touring with Teen Treks is that it naturally lends itself to a socially distanced atmosphere, with small groups and wide-open spaces.

Our average group sizes are kept small to create more intimate experiences and most of the days on a Teen Trek trip are spent outside, biking on the open road. Unlike a traditional summer camp, the isolated nature of a Teen Treks bike tour means that teens will only be in contact with the handful of people in their group, while still experiencing a fun and life-changing summer adventure.

Please read the following precautions Teen Treks trips has established to ensure a safe summer for all. We will update this page as the COVID situation evolves. 

Pre- Trip Preparations

We are requesting that trekkers come into their bike trip as safely as possible to guarantee the health of all group members. In order to ensure this, we require documentation of 2 COVID-19 vaccinations and a booster or  documentation of a negative Rapid Antigen test taken 72 hours prior to joining the group.   

Face Coverings

We request that every trekker arrive with at least 5 KN95 masks. While Teen Treks trips are mostly outdoors, there will be times when the group will enter buildings such as, grocery stores, hotel facilities and campground bath houses. Face coverings will be required anytime the group is in an indoor facility, regardless of the state law in which the group is traveling through or the specific business ordinances.

Group Size

The nature of Teen Treks bike trips is small, intimate groups. Group sizes will remain as usual, between 8-12 trekkers. 


All Teen Treks Trip Leaders have received a COVID-19 vaccination and booster per staff requirements.

Personal Distancing

Tour groups will be treated as a family, or “cohort,” so safe social distancing will be exercised with those not in our group. When in crowded indoor spaces, face coverings will be required.

Meal Times

Teen Treks trips meals typically happen outdoors, whether it is campfire dinners or lunch picnics in the park, social distancing is naturally worked into meal times. We like eating in this style because it allows teens the opportunity to learn how to grocery shop for a group and exercise creativity while cooking for others.

We also love stopping at local restaurants when travelling through cities. Trekkers will be required to wear masks while entering indoor facilities. Once they are seated at the restaurant, face coverings will no longer be required.


While the majority of lodging arrangements during a Teen Treks trip take place outdoors at campgrounds, we do enjoy visiting big cities and staying in a hotel or hostel for a change. Groups will mind any indoor face covering regulations, and when leaders ascertain the indoor space is crowded and difficult to social distance, they will require their trekkers to wear masks during the duration of their time in the indoor public setting. 

Transportation/ Isolation if Teen Gets Sick

In the event of a situation where a trekker shows symptoms of COVID-19, we have protocols in place to safely isolate and coordinate arrangements for the teen to be picked up by their parents and leave the trip. 

Post-Trip Safety

As a guideline for safely returning home, we recommend 5-days of safe social distancing practices after the trip has finished.